Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a beautiful sunny warm Thanksgiving weekend we had! Temp was about 22-27 degrees all weekend! We had a great time visiting with my family on Saturday and with Nana and Nanu today!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hay Ride at the Rutka Farm

We took a trip out to the Rutka Farm one last time before they move for a bbq today and Jackson got to go on a hay ride which he loved! Just the excitement of being up on the wagon when it's moving is something Jackson just loves.

Spencer also went on the wagon ride, don't think he really cared if he was on it or not but it was still fun taking him.

Sad that this was our last trip out to the farm before the Rutka's move!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Spencer rolled today!

What another great day we had! The weather was awesome again today so we headed down to Auntie Laura's for a trip to the park!

Jackson-hold hands
Jackson-I'm hungry

Spencer rolled over today! Wow this little boy is so amazing! I can't believe how quick he is growing! Already rolling over on me! What's next!?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Well here I go again it's been I bit since I last filled you all in on what's been going on in our lives! I definitely need to work on writing our days down!

It has been a blast of a summer, we've been to festivals, and parades and cottages and swimming pools and the list goes on and on.

It's been great watching Jackson grow another day older, listening to him speak full sentences now and question things and also tell you about things. I just cannot believe the leaps and bounds he's made. It's happy but sad moment. Happy he's growing up but sad at the same time!

Today was a great day for the 3 of us. I decided to take the kids to the OEYC at Limeridge and what a great walk we had there. We stopped by the garden over in the townhouse complex around the corner from the house and Jackson pointed out all the bees and flowers and was telling me about the colours and wanting me to smell them. We followed a grasshopper around for a minute or two watching in hop and fly around it was awesome to watch Jackson get so excited over it all!

Tonight we had Dylan and Raina over to play and again another great moment of watching Jackson interact with the kids. He turns into such a little person, asking questions, pointing things out to them. I really enjoy watching him interact with other children now! I mean we still have the melt downs if they have his toy but he actually wants to play with them now which is good to see!

As for Spencer, he is so amazing what a great baby! I couldn't ask for anything better (well maybe that 3rd child that I would love to have) he so laid back and easy going! I hope he keeps that tempermant it would really make me happy! Well he's decided it about time he learnt to roll over! Which he is almost there once he figures out how to get that arm out from under him he'll be off to the races!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bye my toys

As we are leaving the house yesterday, Jackson turns to his toys and says bye my toys. It was such a cute thing to see! He's putting together sentences now like crazy, he told Irene that he was on his way for a bbq. "Me go to bbq now see you soon" he says. I love it! At the bbq he comes up to me and says " mama the girl no play with me" and I asked him if he had asked her to play and he said no, so I told him to go ask her to play and he did! "You play with me as he takes her hand and leads her to the climbers!

Spencer is awesome too! He has now realized he can play with his toys when he's on his playmat!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So as Jackson let me know first thing this morning when he got up that it was 'not a blue day out' and that it was raining we had a lazy kinda day! We stayed inside and played for most of the day until the rain stopped when daddy got home!

Jackson got to help mommy bake today and what was so amazing was that he counted all the way up to 12 all by himself with no prompting or help from me which I was pretty amazed about.  My little boy is amazing me everyday with the things he is learning!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Well it's Monday and we just got back from Auntie Laura's cottage! What fun did we have! Went spent a day in Port Dover, walking up and down the strip and checking things out. The kids got to eat lunch down on the beach which they enjoyed. We took them out to the end of the pier and they had a blast watching the kids jump off the end. Jackson was also excited to watch a boy and his father catch some fish.

We then took the kids to Selkirk to the annual Gasfest, where they say the annual parade; they got candy from the participates in the parade which was such a highlight for them. They also got to play in a couple of different bouncy castles which they also enjoyed. Jackson really liked the swimming in the water of the boat ride at the end of the day.  It was a really great day for everyone and I can't wait to go back again next year!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Poo on the potty=ice cream cone

So he finally did it!! Jackson finally pooed on the potty! He's been doing a really great job at telling me when he has to go to the bathroom and an even better job of going outside to pee or for the past couple of days heading to the bathroom and peeing on the toliet but poo has been a different story! He hasn't really wanted anything to do with the potty and pooing he'd rather put a diaper on and go in that. So I have been working with him but with no much luck until today he sat on the toliet for me and tried to go poo which was great as he asked me to take him not me begging him to go sit on it! But nothing happened so I told him that if he did poo he would get an ice cream cone, so after running around the house for about an hour after trying the first time he grabbed daddy and daddy took him to the potty and he finally pooed! I am so proud of the little guy I just hope he keeps it up!

Stoney Creek Early Years

So I decided at the beginning of the summer that I would go around checking out all the different Early Years Centers in the area, just to see if I could meet new people and to give Jackson the opportunity to play with different toys and in different settings! So today we headed down to St David's in Stoney Creek which is the main location for the area and did we ever have a blast! What a great center they have down there. It's big and clean and the staff is really friendly, our friend Linda is there from the Binbrook OYEC. The center is divided into a couple of different rooms which is nice. I find it gives Jackson a wide range of things to do, he doesn't get as bored because he has different rooms to go to.  He had a great time today playing house and with the train table and water table! The best was the fact that he'd rather play in their gathering room with the lights off dancing and jumping around. At one point he found a rubber dog bone that he wanted me to throw at him so he could pick it up in his mouth and pretend he was a dog. This went on for a good 15 mins and he was just loving every minute of it!  Can't wait to go back and visit that location again! I think I may sign up for some of the activities that they offer for Jackson, I think he'd really enjoy that!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Note for Mama

So we've been having a terrible time trying to get Jackson to bed. My fault for not setting good routines from the start, but let's not get in to that as it's a long story!

I finally get him into bed, read his stories, say good night, go downstairs. 5 Minutes later he's up calling for me Roy goes upstairs gets him back into bed. 10 minutes after that he's calling again this time we leave him, he gets louder and more upset, finally I feel bad and head upstairs to tuck him in once again. The poor kids' got a piece of paper in his hand and says to me through tears "Mama note for you". All the crying was because he had a note he wanted to give me! I thought I was going to burst into tears over the whole thing! I left him crying thinking he would go to sleep and he wanted me to come upstairs so he could give me the paper so he could go to sleep!

Roy says he was trying to play me to get me back upstairs but I don't believe that was the case I think he really wanted to give the note to me so he could go to sleep! Who know's but I tucked him in and off to sleep he went!

Festival of Friends

Today was a great family day! We decided to pack up the kids and head out to the Festival of Friends in it's new location; the Ancaster Fairgrounds! Besides being 38 degrees with the humidex it was a really nice day! Jackson had a great time playing in the Children's area and going on the rides in the Midway. I was really proud of him for listening and following beside the stroller and not trying to take off. Poor Spencer was a little crankey due to the heat and being carried by Mommy all day but everyone just oogled over him when they saw him!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So I know I have said this a number of times but I really am going to try and blog everyday now! I think I was waiting for big stuff to happen each day before I blogged but I think with having both Spencer and Jackson now I will just write what we did each and everyday whether it's big or small. I also want to start putting my accomplishments of the day down also!

So here goes lets see if I can get this rolling! As long as I can do it for 21 days in a row then it becomes a habit and I will have it made!

::Dr. Suess for Nursing Moms::

I came across this poem on mon petie amour's blog and thought it was so cute!

This is exactly how I feel when it comes to nursing!

Dr. Seuss for Nursing Moms

Would you nurse her in the park?
Would you nurse him in the dark?
Would you nurse him with a Boppy?
And when your boobs are feeling floppy?

I would nurse him in the park,
I would nurse her in the dark.
I'd nurse with or without a Boppy.
Floppy boobs will never stop me.

Can you nurse with your seat belt on?
Can you nurse from dusk till dawn?
Though she may pinch me, bite me, pull,
I will nurse her `till she's full!

Can you nurse and make some soup?

Can you nurse and feed the group?
It makes her healthy strong and smart,
Mommy's milk is the best start!

Would you nurse him at the game?
Would you nurse her in the rain?
In front of those who dare complain?
I would nurse him at the game.
I would nurse her in the rain.

As for those who protest lactation,
I have the perfect explanation.
Mommy's milk is tailor made
It's the perfect food, you need no aid.

Some may scoff and some may wriggle,
Avert their eyes or even giggle.
To those who can be cruel and rude,
Remind them breast's the perfect food!

I would never scoff or giggle,
Roll my eyes or even wiggle!
I would not be so crass or crude,
I KNOW that this milk's the perfect food!

We make the amount we need
The perfect temp for every feed.
There's no compare to milk from breast-
The perfect food, above the rest.

Those nursing smiles are oh so sweet,
Mommy's milk is such a treat.
Human milk just can't be beat.

I will nurse, in any case,
On the street or in your face.
I will not let my baby cry,
I'll meet her needs, I'll always try.
It's not about what's good for you,
It's best for babies, through and through.

I will nurse her in my home,
I will nurse her when I roam.
Leave me be lads and ma'am.
I will nurse her, Mom I am.

- Anonymous

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Luv you

You say those three magically words to them from the first moment you lay eyes on them! " I Love You" . You say it when you tuck them in to bed at night! " I Love You". You say it just to let them know you care and are there for them! " I Love You". You say it just to say it! " I Love You".

But the moment they say it back whether they know the meaing of it or are just repeating it because you say it so many times to them in a day; it still is a very special moment that brings tears to your eyes and has you scooping them up in your arms, hugging and kissing them and remembering the day they were born. You forget all about the trouble they get themselves into and just savour the moment hoping it will last forever!

That was morning today!

Jackson runs into the kitchen at full tilt grabs hold of my leg and says "Luv you". What more could you ask for!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Dentist

So we've hit another milestone and that is the Dentist! Jackson went for his first check up and cleaning yesterday and it was awesome! He was such a big boy! He actually sat there and let Kathy clean them and he also let Dr Pineau check them. I was very impressed with how good he was about the whole thing!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Poison Control...How can I help you

Jackson and I had one of those days today! Every time I turned around he was into something! The fridge and split milk, I got to him before the eggs were smashed! Daddy's deodorant was smashed everywhere, flooded the bathroom floor with water and used a half a bottle of soap to wash his hands. The list goes on and on!

The worst was the bottle of fragrance oil that was sitting way up high on the hutch where Jackson had to scale the change table then the hutch to get to it! I was down trying to get some laundry done, when I came back up he's outside on the deck playing, the bottle is in the diningroom on the floor empty! I paniced trying to find out where he dumped it! Thinking he drank it called Poison Control to find out later on that he had dumped the bottle all over his clothes on the change table!

Thought I was going to pull all my hair out today!

Hopefully we have a better day tomorrow!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Spencer...did he just say Spencer

I am so excited, we had another great day at Lasalle Splash Pad with Daddy, Nana and Nanu! Jackson is so confident in the water now it's crazy! He lies on his belly now and puts his face in the water without a problem, it's so great to see! He enjoyed the day swimming and chasing the seagulls away and playing at the playground! Daddy pushed him really high on the swings and he just loved it!

So I haven't mentioned it here as of yet but we added another addition to the family on June 14th, a little boy named Spencer. He weighed 8lbs 12 oz and he is so cute! (I will definitely get some pics up here as soon as I can!)
But we have been trying to get Jackson to say Spencer's name but all he calls him is 'my baby' when you ask him who Spencer is. Which is extremely cute as he now thinks every baby he sees is his baby! So when we were at the Splash Pad today Nanu asked him who was in the stroller and instead of saying 'my baby' he said Spencer! More drawn out like Spen SOR but still he said his name which is awesome!

I tell you everyday Jackson amazes me with his vocab always adding new words and phrases or with a new physical feat he has mastered! I do have to say that one minute I am so excited for him and the next I am sad because my little boy is growing up and before I know it he won't be my little boy any more, so I enjoy and savour everyday with him because before too long these days will be gone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just stay calm and hold your breath

Another milestone has been achieved in the Farrugia household! Jackson is now swimming with a lifejacket on all by himself! It is so great to see and a little nervous at the same time, but he so much more happier swimming in the pool not having to rely on others to keep him afloat! He goes from one end of the pool to the other and even jumps in all by himself! He just needs to remember to hold his breath when he goes under!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mama, Mama come here the car!

So Jackson has had me in tears (of joy) a couple of times this week! He is growing up so fast it is scary!

I was getting him into his car seat the other day so we could go out and my car was parked on the road in front of the house! So as I was standing up from getting him all buckled in a car went whizzing on by me and Jackson yells "mama, mama" and reaches his arms out as far as he can and frantacly tries to reach for me so I lean back into the car and he grabs me and pulls me in tight and gives me a big hug and tells me that he's saving me from the car that just went by!

Can you believe that! His exact words "mama, I save you from that car". Just typing about it now is bringing tears to my eyes, I couldn't believe how he wanted to protect me from the car that was coming down the street and how hard he hugged me wanting to make sure that I was safe and sound! What a wonderful little boy I have and I wouldn't treat him for anything in this world!

He finally said his name!

So I am pretty excited to report that Jackson finally said his name! I know to some it may not be a big deal but to me it brought tears of joy to my eyes! Ever since he's been able to speak I have always tried to get him to say his name and for some reason he does not repeat it! And only calls himself "me" which is still cute to hear him say but I have always wanted him to be able to say his name. Well Thursday we were at Nana and Nanu's and Nanu was bugging him and calling him a different name and he kept saying that's not my name, that's not my name and Nanu asked him what his name was and he yelled out "Jackson"! I thought I was going to keel over from hearing him say that! It was such a proud moment for me to hear him say it! He then repeated it another 3-4 times!

I cannot believe how far he has come in his speech it is so awesome!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Again too long between posts!

Ok so as I just finished up a couple of things I've been meaning to post, I realized that there is about a hundred and one other things that I have forgotten to post about so I am going to try hard in the next couple of days to catch up on some really important things Jackson has done or said or places when been that I want to remember as he gets older! So please bare with me while I try to catch up on things!

I am going to quickly make a list of some of the things I need to write down!

Eggs and milk
Sewing machine time
Gracie and the take down
Easter egg hunt
Driving park
Peeing outside

I am sure I will add more to the list but it's a start!

Wow do I ever have a lot of blogging to do!

Alright, mama!

So I thought "right mama" was a really great answer to a yes or no question and so cute to hear but I think I have a new favourite answer!
Jackson loves to also use "alright" he's been saying it for a couple of weeks now. Jackson lets get in the car and go to nana's! He replies with a big "alright". It is so adorable that I try to phrase questions so I can a "right, mama" and an "alright" in the same conversation!

I know funny that my days have come where I am trying to phrase things so I get cute answers out of my 2 and 1/2 year old!

But it is things like this that I will look back on and be so happy to know that Jackson has such a great personality and can make me laugh everyday with the things he says and does!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Right Mama....

I am so in love with the things Jackson says that there are days where I sit back and sigh with a tear in my eye at the fact that he is growing up!
So I work really hard to get Jackson to use proper words so instead of 'ya' I work on gettting him to say 'yes', well that hasn't been going as well as I wanted it to not for the lack of trying or anything but for the pure and simple fact he says neither word. If he wants to answer something that should have a yes answer to it he just say "right mama". Which I have to say is the cutiest thing I have every heard from him! Jackson would you like a drink of water? Right mama. Jackson do you want to go outside to play? Right mama.

How can you beat that as an answer I know I can't!

Well off to another day and I can't wait to see what he says next!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mud, mud lovely mud

So it's been raining here the last couple of days, actually make that weeks! Which has turned our backyard into a swamp! Jackson has been dying to go out and play in the yard but we have been saying no because it's been too wet and too cold! Well today was a nice day so he begged and begged to go out so I let him go outside. I spent about the first 10 mins trying to keep him out of the swamp and finally decided it wasn't worth the fight! So if you can't beat 'em; join 'em! I went and got my rubber boots on and went through the water with him a couple of times. He was having so much fun splashing and jumping through it. He even took his little red motorcycle through it about a dozen times! So while I finished cleaning up the gardens he played in the water! It was great to see how happy he was splashing around getting water and mud everywhere! By the time his was done his boots were full of water, his cloth diaper weighed an extra 10 lbs from the extra water weight. There was mud on his face, mud in his hair! He actually tried to lay down in the water after I took his shirt off to get the worm out of it! Don't ask I found a worm for him gave it to him and he was carrying it around and at some point it went down the arm of his shirt and I couldn't get it out so I took his shirt off!

What a great day it was watching him so happy, playing in the water which is something he loves to do! No cares in the world the only objective was to get wet and have fun!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day in the Lift of Jackson and his Daddy!

So today I had to work and Roy was off so he got to spend the day with Jackson. Which I find so awesome because Jackson just adores his daddy and loves to spend as much time with him as he can!

Well Roy decided to take Jackson to the movies! Good for him 'cause I don't think I would do it but off they went! Roy said Jackson was awesome he sat in his own seat for most of the movie ( I guess at one point he sat on Daddy's lap) and watched intently at the screen. Near the end he did get tired crawled up into Daddy's lap, put his head on his shoulder. Daddy asked if he wanted to go, Jackson said yes and he was asleep within seconds of being put in his carseat!

What a great day for them both!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Loving the new sentences

So the past couple of days have been a blast with Jackson, from playing with worms in the garden to riding his new scooter around the house! But what really has me so excited is the new sentences he's been saying, he is just so cute. It amazes me the words he's putting together to make sentences to let me know what he wants!

Me eat now, mama! is a great one.
Me outside now!

I think every sentence has me and now in it but that's ok, he's at least telling me who wants to the do the action, what the action is and when he wants to do it! I don't think I could ask for much more than that from him!

I just love how it's made communicating with him so much easier! I think he notices that I respond much better and faster to his demands when he uses his sentences too!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So Jackson had a blast looking for worms in the garden today! I showed him that they live under the rocks. So he had to have every rock in the garden over turned to make sure that there was a worm under each of them. I love the fact he has no fear and just picks them right up and carries them around! He names them all worm when you ask him their name. He may tell you the big one is daddy worm and the little ones are baby worm but man is it ever cute! I will definitely have to get pics next time we're in the backyard with the worms because it is so cute to see!

I have also been trying to explain to him that the worms need to stay in the shade and/or in the soil but he wants nothing to do with that! So we've had a couple of fried worms because of that!

Oh well there's lots more under those rocks.

Way too long between posts!

So it has been way too long since I have posted anything on a day in the life of Jackson and his mommy! And I feel really bad about it! It's so silly to say but it only takes a minute or two to post what's gone on in the day and I just don't do it! So I am going to try really hard to give this another shot and see if I can keep up with regular posts! I also feel bad because so much has gone on with monkey that it's only going to be a distance memory if I don't write it down and that really worries me that I will forget some of the amazing things he has done in the past 2 years! I mean every day Jackson says something new or something really funny! I mean are there days where he frustrates me oh heck ya but for the most part I love spending time with him and get really sad when I have to send him to Auntie Laura's for the day because I am working! So here I go hopefully I can keep up posting a little everyday about my wonderful baby boy's life! So we are off to play now and I will be back to post about the day's events!