So it's been raining here the last couple of days, actually make that weeks! Which has turned our backyard into a swamp! Jackson has been dying to go out and play in the yard but we have been saying no because it's been too wet and too cold! Well today was a nice day so he begged and begged to go out so I let him go outside. I spent about the first 10 mins trying to keep him out of the swamp and finally decided it wasn't worth the fight! So if you can't beat 'em; join 'em! I went and got my rubber boots on and went through the water with him a couple of times. He was having so much fun splashing and jumping through it. He even took his little red motorcycle through it about a dozen times! So while I finished cleaning up the gardens he played in the water! It was great to see how happy he was splashing around getting water and mud everywhere! By the time his was done his boots were full of water, his cloth diaper weighed an extra 10 lbs from the extra water weight. There was mud on his face, mud in his hair! He actually tried to lay down in the water after I took his shirt off to get the worm out of it! Don't ask I found a worm for him gave it to him and he was carrying it around and at some point it went down the arm of his shirt and I couldn't get it out so I took his shirt off!
What a great day it was watching him so happy, playing in the water which is something he loves to do! No cares in the world the only objective was to get wet and have fun!
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