Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mud, mud lovely mud

So it's been raining here the last couple of days, actually make that weeks! Which has turned our backyard into a swamp! Jackson has been dying to go out and play in the yard but we have been saying no because it's been too wet and too cold! Well today was a nice day so he begged and begged to go out so I let him go outside. I spent about the first 10 mins trying to keep him out of the swamp and finally decided it wasn't worth the fight! So if you can't beat 'em; join 'em! I went and got my rubber boots on and went through the water with him a couple of times. He was having so much fun splashing and jumping through it. He even took his little red motorcycle through it about a dozen times! So while I finished cleaning up the gardens he played in the water! It was great to see how happy he was splashing around getting water and mud everywhere! By the time his was done his boots were full of water, his cloth diaper weighed an extra 10 lbs from the extra water weight. There was mud on his face, mud in his hair! He actually tried to lay down in the water after I took his shirt off to get the worm out of it! Don't ask I found a worm for him gave it to him and he was carrying it around and at some point it went down the arm of his shirt and I couldn't get it out so I took his shirt off!

What a great day it was watching him so happy, playing in the water which is something he loves to do! No cares in the world the only objective was to get wet and have fun!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day in the Lift of Jackson and his Daddy!

So today I had to work and Roy was off so he got to spend the day with Jackson. Which I find so awesome because Jackson just adores his daddy and loves to spend as much time with him as he can!

Well Roy decided to take Jackson to the movies! Good for him 'cause I don't think I would do it but off they went! Roy said Jackson was awesome he sat in his own seat for most of the movie ( I guess at one point he sat on Daddy's lap) and watched intently at the screen. Near the end he did get tired crawled up into Daddy's lap, put his head on his shoulder. Daddy asked if he wanted to go, Jackson said yes and he was asleep within seconds of being put in his carseat!

What a great day for them both!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Loving the new sentences

So the past couple of days have been a blast with Jackson, from playing with worms in the garden to riding his new scooter around the house! But what really has me so excited is the new sentences he's been saying, he is just so cute. It amazes me the words he's putting together to make sentences to let me know what he wants!

Me eat now, mama! is a great one.
Me outside now!

I think every sentence has me and now in it but that's ok, he's at least telling me who wants to the do the action, what the action is and when he wants to do it! I don't think I could ask for much more than that from him!

I just love how it's made communicating with him so much easier! I think he notices that I respond much better and faster to his demands when he uses his sentences too!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So Jackson had a blast looking for worms in the garden today! I showed him that they live under the rocks. So he had to have every rock in the garden over turned to make sure that there was a worm under each of them. I love the fact he has no fear and just picks them right up and carries them around! He names them all worm when you ask him their name. He may tell you the big one is daddy worm and the little ones are baby worm but man is it ever cute! I will definitely have to get pics next time we're in the backyard with the worms because it is so cute to see!

I have also been trying to explain to him that the worms need to stay in the shade and/or in the soil but he wants nothing to do with that! So we've had a couple of fried worms because of that!

Oh well there's lots more under those rocks.

Way too long between posts!

So it has been way too long since I have posted anything on a day in the life of Jackson and his mommy! And I feel really bad about it! It's so silly to say but it only takes a minute or two to post what's gone on in the day and I just don't do it! So I am going to try really hard to give this another shot and see if I can keep up with regular posts! I also feel bad because so much has gone on with monkey that it's only going to be a distance memory if I don't write it down and that really worries me that I will forget some of the amazing things he has done in the past 2 years! I mean every day Jackson says something new or something really funny! I mean are there days where he frustrates me oh heck ya but for the most part I love spending time with him and get really sad when I have to send him to Auntie Laura's for the day because I am working! So here I go hopefully I can keep up posting a little everyday about my wonderful baby boy's life! So we are off to play now and I will be back to post about the day's events!