Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!

So we decided to take the kids to the Twin Valley Zoo on Friday! Sadly summer is coming to an end and we are trying to fit in as many activites as we can before Laura and I are back full swing at Daycare and won't have the opportunity to take the kids places unless it's on a weekend!

Well I can only guess by the screams of excitement and anger coming from Jackson on Friday that he enjoyed the zoo! He got so excited to see an animal and then a little angry with me when I tried to leave that animal to go see another one!

Here's Jackson with the Goats! He loved the fact they were his size and that he could go right up to them and pet them. He also tried to pick them up and he also tried to climb on their backs for a ride; I had to explain that they were not the cats and he was not allowed to do that to them! He wasn't too happy by my answer!

A Gorilla just his size!

Jackson really enjoyed feeding the deer, there was no fear in going right up to the fence and sticking a handful of food out for them!

Just chillin' on Mommy's back!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cactus Fest!

So it was the cactus fest this past weekend, which is always a good time for everyone! This year we went to the parade on Thursday night which was fun to see!
I think Jackson really enjoyed it, he got to sit beside Aunt Jan and watch it with her!
He also got to eat a popsicle for the first time which was a big hit with him along with a giagantic mess for Mommy to clean up!
We also went down Friday night for the free rides they offer and Jackson got to ride the train, merry-go-round and the cowboy boots ride. Which he screamed and cried to get on, he wanted on so bad! When he finally got on the ride he seemed a little shocked by it, but evenually he enjoyed it!
Stop taking pictures of me, mama!!
Ok you can take them!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Going to the Zoo, Zoo Zoo how about you, you you

So last Wednesday, we took a family trip to the Toronto Zoo! It was the first time for Jackson and I haven't been since I was a young. Did we ever have a blast!

Jackson seemed to really enjoy himself and he loved checking out all the animals! He didn't even wait to get changed when we went into the splash pad he just got right in clothes and all.

I think Daddy had a lot of fun too showing Jackson the different animals that were there. And I couldn't believe how well behaved Jackson was, there was only about 2x's I had to fight with him to get him to either walk or get in the stroller! Jackson did tire his daddy out with all the running around he did!

Can't wait to take him again!

Jackson loved the rhino!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ah the spaceship

How Jackson can make me sigh and get a little teary eyed that he's growing so fast!

We were at daycare today and I was playing spaceship with the kids and I was lying down inside the tent we have set up for the kids to play in and I yelled everyone in the spaceship we're blasting off! In comes Jackson all happy to be invited to participate and lies down right beside me with his head next to mine! I reached over gave him a kiss on the head and he just beamed back with a big giagantic smile! Not a care in the world just happy to be there playing.

It's moments like that, that make me so happy for the choices I have made about staying home and raising Jackson. He is such a joy and I love the time I get to spend with him everyday!

Well we are off to the zoo tomorrow and I can't wait to share those memories with him it's going to be great!

Balls, balls everything is about balls!

Jackson has become obsessed with balls. Big rubber balls, little plastic balls, golf balls, baseballs you name it if it looks like a ball and can either be thrown or kicked like a ball Jackson is all over it!

Which some days it's great he's funny running around yelling "ball, ball" and pointing at everything shaped like a ball.

But there are some days where it drives you nuts especially if he sees a ball or doesn't have a ball and wants one, he will start yelling ball, ball and getting very angry with you for not finding one quick enough for him!

Once he does find a ball to play with he loves to throw it so you have to retreive it from some ridiculous location. Under the car, behind the couch, over the fence, in the middle of the road and he will stand there yelling ball until you get it for his so he can start the game all over!

You gotta love him for it though!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I can't believe how time flies!

Wow I told myself that I would try and blog every day or at least once a week and I have failed to do so.
Oh well I'm not going to let it bother me, I am just going to keep on going and try to stay on top of things!

Well since my last blog Jackson has been having a great summer! He definitley loves being outside which is really great and even better he loves the water! He has his own little pool in the backyard and when he comes home from daycare everyday he doesn't even wait to take off his shoes or clothes before he jumps right in! He's been to the beach a couple of times also and loves playing in the sand and in the water! I can't wait to sign him up for the next session of swimming lessons.